LIVING PUR™ Principles
Consumer products should use only ingredients proven to be safe, not causing harm to people or the environment.
Safe beauty is not as simple as just going 100% natural. There are many lab–made ingredients that are safe and non–toxic, and there are also natural ingredients that can cause harm.
We love science! So we do the hard work for you, reviewing scientific literature, books, and publications to decode product ingredients and claims, and bring to you only well researched information. If you feel lost browsing the black hole of internet, not knowing who to trust, we are here for you!
Products must not only be safe, but also perform as advertised. Enough with face creams that leave your face feeling like an oil slick, or worse, covered in pimples. Enough with long–wear nail polish that lasts a day. Product performance is just as necessary as their safety. No compromises!
Ingredient transparency: All ingredients should be listed on a label in order of their decreasing concentration.
Story transparency: Product claims, ingredient sourcing, manufacturing practices, and any certifications should be meaningful, ethical, and easily accessible to consumers.
We help CONSUMERS and COSMETIC BRANDS make sense out of confusing, conflicting, and misleading information they find online, in brands' messaging, and in product claims:
What products and ingredients are safe?
What is good—for—you and not harmful for the planet?
What is scientifically proven to work and not just a waste of your money, the latest internet fad, or fear mongering campaign?
We are scientists who care about health and beauty, cosmetic products, consumer safety, and sustainability. Our mission is to help consumers make more informed and healthier choices, and to help brands create more responsible, science—based, and honest products. So join us in LIVING PUR™ revolution!